Shipping & Handling
New Owners might also like to consider attending one of Sandollar Farms' Alpacas 101 Workshop conducted as a group activity. This is a full day workshop; the morning focuses on the alpaca, its history, conformation and fiber characteristics, the industry today and many more topics. The afternoon is a hands-on session learning some of the very basic Camelidynamic work.
Product Description
Many new or prospective alpaca owners have never owned livestock before; the handling and care of the animal is a complete mystery. Sandollar Farms offers training for handling and herd health using the "Camelidynamics" method. What is camelidynamics? Check it out here at
Then discuss with Nikki, a certified "Senior Camelidynamics Consultant" what you would most like to focus on during this 3-hour hands-on class with your alpacas or ours which will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.
Do you want to learn:
--How to adjust your approach
-- How to halter an alpaca
-- How to lead an alpaca
-- Get ready for a show
-- How to trim toenails
-- How to give shots/oral meds
-- How to trim top knots
-- Or something else?
This training is conducted at Sandollar Farms but can be conducted at your farm for an additional fee to cover time and travel expense.