Saturday, May 5, 2012
Alpaca Welcome, Herd Health, Wet Pasture and Shed
One of the most pleasant parts of the day at Carrageen Suri Alpacas is going out to the barn and being welcomed by our alpacas. They see us approaching and all gather in eager anticipation of surrounding us as we do the chores. It's really a lot of fun.
Tomorrow is monthly herd health day. We weigh and body score them. They seem to all be in great health!
We're also going to be haltering them and posing them for pictures for the website. That should be interesting.
The weather has been wet though today we are seeing a bit of sunshine. Tomorrow and Monday are supposed to be great. But then things are going to get wet again! :( We love the rain for what it does for the pasture but the alpacas need to get out and run!
We bought an 8x12 shed. It arrived yesterday. It's amazing that no matter how much you plan for space, you always need more!