For suri breeders we offer AIA Accoyo Sir Baronoff whose sire is Accoyo Baron and whose dam is 4Peruvian Rubia - both direct Accoyo imports. Sir Baronoff is big boned, shows the distinctive suri head is extremely lustrous and shows a good disposition. His first cria are on the ground for us, both females, both suris showing good full coverage, independent locks and bright luster. Rare genetics suri genetics on the West Coast. Sir Baronoff's sire, Accoyo Baron, is no longer available for outside breedings. Sir Baronoff represents a fine choice to cross with most lines on the West Coast. Sir Baronoff is a member of The Studmaster program, allowing your offspring from him and your ranch to become part of The Ideal Alpaca Community. Sir Baronoff is available at our ranch from October through March of each year.