Fiber/Scientific Data
09/15/2024 | PNAA IFA micron calculations: 23.7 shoulder, 22.8 mid, 23.8 rump, 22.9 low/mid, and 23.3 average with a variance of 1.0 |
Grade 3 at 16 yrs
Bachelor's Piper Lane
Proven |
Medium Rose Grey
AOA# 31104210 D.O.B. 2/5/2008 (16 yrs)
Shasta Springs Bachelor
| AOA# 1172744 | Medium Silver Gray
Madison Lacy Grace
| AOA# 30434295 | Medium Fawn
Piper is an exquisite medium rose gray female, and the first cria born at our farm that was sired by Shasta Springs Bachelor. Piper has maintained her gorgeous curly locks with age. Piper and Rosemont's fleece are two of our favorites, due to their fineness and unique coloration.
Piper is extremely dense, with great fiber coverage from head to toe, a trait she certainly inherited from her dam's lineage. Her dam, Madison, had extreme luster, and both of her offspring -- Piper and Ella -- demonstrate that same level of luster in their gray fleece.
Piper is matriarch-in-training and is often found trailing her grand-dam and current herd matriarch, 19-year-old Savannah Shay around the paddocks and pastures.
2024 PNAA IFA Fleece Show, IFA, Grade 3, Gray, under Amanda Vandenbosch (score 71)
Financing Terms
We offer financing to fit each buyers unique situation.
Updated 10/6/2024